Sat,12 Dec 2009
What do you do when your partner does not believe in the Ascension process and has different beliefs to you?
The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine, respond, through Magenta Pixie....Read More
Sat,14 Nov 2009
There are many Gateways that you shall pass through collectively as you move forward, towards this Golden Age. Yet another gateway shall be unlocked on the 11th November 2009 and it is you Wayshowers,...Read More
Tue,02 Jun 2009
As your month of May comes to a close, many of you who are feeling the planetary and cosmic energies will look back, analyse and integrate the energy of May that has been passed through. ...Read More
Sun,31 May 2009
...let's take the case one's twin flame is not ready, the one with the similar frequency has it still possible to live the same Holy relationship with this partner...achieving what you ...Read More
Wed,27 May 2009
What happens when I have a decision to make? Do I actually shift timelines by making that decision? Do I split myself into two realities so that there is effectively another me existing who made the a...Read More
Tue,05 May 2009
I think I met my Twin Flame in a dream. It was so real and now I don't want a relationship in my life with anyone other than my Twin Flame. I wish to experience what I felt in that dream. Was this rea...Read More
Wed,29 Apr 2009
There are many that are in fear of the bird flu virus, can you please talk about this and is it a threat to us? ...Read More
Mon,06 Apr 2009
The Indigos shall incarnate within the veil of forgetfulness but as the golden ones incarnate and activate the grid, so shall they activate the Indigo children, many of whom are now adults and are par...Read More
Sun,29 Mar 2009
Magenta Pixie channelling the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine
Following vibrational alignments in all things is the way to walk towards the new energies and embrace the new reality. F...Read More
Thu,26 Mar 2009
Magenta Pixie channelling the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine
When you come forward through that doorway - the human stargate - that which gives you travel to our dimension, you shall...Read More
Mon,23 Mar 2009
Magenta Pixie channelling the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine.
I know I am not from Earth and want to go home and meet my star family, what can I do to hurry this process up for I can...Read More
Thu,19 Mar 2009
The white winged collective consciousness of Nine, come forward, through Magenta Pixie, to respond to questions from a subscriber on the ethics of organ transplants and how this affects Ascension for ...Read More
Mon,02 Mar 2009
The understanding of one's mission - the realisation of one's mission is a knowing. A deep knowing that nothing can shake. Allow synchronicity to guide you - allow clues from your childhood to be unde...Read More
Tue,24 Feb 2009
I have real trouble grounding myself. Can you give me any advice as to how I can do this?
The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine come forward, through Magenta Pixie, to respond to this q...Read More
Fri,20 Feb 2009
The negative vibrations are being transmuted, integrated and 'transcended by some' as the new wave of crystalline changes engulf that which you know as third dimensional earth.
Activations direct fro...Read More
Tue,17 Feb 2009
I'm just not happy with my current situation. I have enough money to get by and an adequate house for my needs but what I have been asking for and concentrating on is to bring abundance into my life. ...Read More
Sun,15 Feb 2009
What is the highest state of being that exists in the entire Universe / Mind / Heart / God / Heaven / Love?... in other words, are there higher vibrations than Christ Vibration, Higher, deeper?.. wha...Read More
Sat,07 Feb 2009
When you first awaken to the sensing of the other dimensions that lie parallel to the Earth dimension, the third dimension fear is often felt within. Fear of the unknown, fear of opening to something ...Read More
Fri,06 Feb 2009
Can you please tell me what is meant by the Dark Night of the Soul?
This question is responded to, by the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine, through Magenta pixie....Read More
Sat,24 Jan 2009
"There are two things that I do not think should be discussed within a love, light spiritual place and that is Finance and Politics. What is the Nine's opinion on this?"
"Recently I saw a video, ma...Read More
Fri,16 Jan 2009
Many of you are now feeling and seeing with your inner eyes, your psychic eyes, the light within the cells of your body and brain. The body belonging to the connected one who walks in alignment with t...Read More
Thu,15 Jan 2009
The higher dimensional energies are strong within the sphere of the connected ones. Those you know as Wayshowers and Lightworkers. Never before has there been such a shamanic connection on such a larg...Read More
Fri,09 Jan 2009
Questions answered bythe White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine
Explains how the micro level of atoms is the same as our planets from a macro perspective. Apperently even intelligent life ex...Read More
Thu,01 Jan 2009
I am a Lightworker/Wayshower and am working hard following my mission at this time. I am also studying hard at college for exams but am finding the exam study a distraction to my spiritual work. I wou...Read More
Sun,28 Dec 2008
The Ascension energies are now firmly anchored upon your planet existing within every fluidly vibrating being and structure that allows in more light as an anchored conduit.
Edited by Magenta Pix...Read More
Thu,25 Dec 2008
Why is there such a need for labels like Wayshower, Lightworker, Starseed or Indigo?
If we are all one why do we need to label ourselves in this way?
The White Winged Collective Consciousness of N...Read More
Mon,22 Dec 2008
Magenta Pixie channelling the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine
White Powder Gold is Stardust and targets the cells turning them rapidly into light. This creates a fast tracking into cr...Read More
Sat,13 Dec 2008
The path of the wayshower brings many rewards as the wayshower walks in alignment with the heart frequencies of bliss charged love, accessing protection, health, connectedness and abundance. The waysh...Read More
Wed,10 Dec 2008
What variety of souls incarnate here in regards to their spiritual lineage?
In the truest reality there is only one soul….however that one soul has separated itself over and over creating infinite ...Read More
Tue,09 Dec 2008
The crystalline energies are now moving into your density or rather your bodies are adjusting to their new crystalline patternings.
Many of you have moved beyond the two strand, double helix of you...Read More
Mon,17 Nov 2008
"I have been into meditation and have met my spirit guide. It was an amazing experience but how do I know it is not a construct of my own imagination?"
The White Winged Collective Consciousness of ...Read More
Thu,13 Nov 2008
Within the UFO & conspiracy theory community there has been much discussion regarding an apperent race of Reptillians who have enslaved humaity for a very long time. Do they really exist?, some messe...Read More
Tue,11 Nov 2008
The white winged collective consciousness of nine, come forward, through Magenta Pixie, to speak of the 11.11 energies....Read More
Thu,06 Nov 2008
Channellings by Magenta Pixie...Read More
Thu,06 Nov 2008
The Nine speak through Magenta Pixie about the election of a new President for the USA, Barack Obama.
...Read More