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The Soul Horse
After a lifetime of searching, I discovered that the really outstanding spiritual teachers have appeared on four legs, carrying a spark that only the spirit of the wild can own.
These teachers work on a soul level where words are not necessary, because the communication comes from their to ours.
I am talking about the Horse.
These equine soul coaches are a constant source of guidance and information. We never stop learning from horses, so it does not matter when we start, as the expansion and knowledge offered by horses, has no beginning and no end.
Horses offer never ending opportunities for experience and learning. Having worked with horses for many years, we can honestly say that every experience offers something new for our clients as well as ourselves.
With every horse encounter we feel we are collecting g

The term Soul Horse is said to mean Strength, Power & Endurance and an essence that touches your ver
ems to hold in our hearts, each having a purpose, that at first may not be apparent.
When we have problems in our lives it is to the horse that we turn to, to meditate and to connect with the core of their being, for the resolutions we seek to become clear. By tuning into this dialogue with horses, we are able to find our way through difficult life situations; and re-awaken our hearts and souls.
We all have the ability to reach the true soul of the horse if we really want to.
The Rhythm of the Horse offers you this opportunity. When we choose this connection for ourselves, anything and everything becomes possible, and a whole new world of potential opens up for us. When we achieve this connection, it frees us, allowing the horse/human relationship to blossom.
Then we know and we feel.....that we have become Soul Mates with a horse.
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