5 signs you have got a lucky palm (1325) (Global)
By:T Kershaw
Date: Mon,17 Jul 2023
Submitter:Luna Holistics
Have you got a lucky palm?
There are three main lines on your palm that are believed to be the most significant: the fate line, the life......View
Prediction, Unsolicited or Otherwise (2017) (Global)
By:Elizabeth Francis
Date: Tue,11 Aug 2020
Submitter:Elizabeth Francis
Benjamin Franklyn said there are only two certainties in life, one is taxes and the other is death. Yet, there is a third lurking beneath t......View
How to Predict the Future? (12292) (Essex)
By:Rosemary Price
Date: Mon,09 Mar 2015
Submitter:Rosemary Price
One of the things that would put me off of having a psychic reading is that some of the people who claiim to be able to do them believe tha......View
The New World (11728) (Global)
By:The Master Aetherius
Date: Tue,14 Oct 2014
Submitter:Paul Smith
''Good evening. In the coming years, certain changes will take place in the surface of your World. These changes will directly affect all l......View
2014 A PROPHECY (15293) (Global)
Date: Mon,30 Dec 2013
I am pleased to say I had a new message today 30th December 2013.
It is the first message that I have written and been able to let others ......View
Mankinds real future (10980) (Global)
Date: Mon,09 Sep 2013
Submitter:Joseph Starman
Hi there everyone this is my first “Posting” for quite awhile. It’s not that I don’t wish to put anything on this website, I do, but I cann......View
A message for the New Year (9016) (Global)
By:Joseph Starman
Date: Wed,26 Dec 2012
A message for the New Year… Joseph Starman here again with another great message from another world. I thought I was going to write a perso......View
It came, we saw, it went without incident! (10684) (Global)
By:'Princess' Kaoru Nakamaru of Japan & Prince Leo Lyon Zagami of Santa Elia, Italy
Date: Tue,25 Dec 2012
Submitter:Paul Smith
Princess Kaoru Nakamaru of Japan & Prince Leo Lyon Zagami of Santa Elia, Italy in discussion about the then impending non-event of 2012! Th......View
Non-Violence (11214) (Norfolk)
By:Mars Sector 6
Date: Mon,17 Dec 2012
Submitter:Paul Smith
''This is Mars....Sector 6 reporting from Satellite No 3, now in orbit relationship Terra. Subject - Non-Violence.
As you know, when we ......View
changing times (10399) (Global)
By:joseph starman
Date: Tue,11 Dec 2012
Joseph Starman here again with another message from the Sublim
I have not put anything on this website for quite awhile because I have e.b......View
Avatar (19967) (Global)
By:Spiritual Nut
Date: Sat,22 Sep 2012
Submitter:Spiritual Nut
It’s funny to watch how the Spiritual Hierarchy seed new ideas and frequencies to the masses.
Take the concept of ‘Avatar’, fo......View
FREE Psychic Tarot Readings (15172) (Global)
By:Donna Butt
Date: Tue,21 Aug 2012
Submitter:Rosemary Price
Every so often I hear something which amazes me. And it takes a lot to amaze me. I have been through every problem anyone could ever face a......View
How to Choose a Psychic (12175) (Global)
By:Rosemary Price
Date: Thu,05 Jul 2012
Submitter:Rosemary Price
How to choose a psychic. Many believe that when they want a reading it is simply a matter of finding the person they live very near to or ......View
the future? (11127) (Global)
Date: Wed,25 Apr 2012
Submitter:Joseph starman
Joseph is here again with a wonderful message from “High beings”
But in truth I do find life quite strange sometimes, for I was going to s......View
Small to the point prophecies (8119) (Global)
Date: Sat,31 Dec 2011
Submitter:Joseph starman
Here are some small prophecies that came to me a few years ago and seem to cover a large part of Earth but it is up to you to figure out wh......View
Earth - The Gods' Videogame (8609) (Global)
By:Franco Santoro
Date: Wed,30 Nov 2011
Submitter:Franco Santoro
From a multidimensional perspective our human reality may be regarded as a playground for a huge multidimensional game in which galactic fo......View
Apocalyptic 2012 (7720) (Global)
By:Franco Santoro
Date: Wed,30 Nov 2011
Submitter:Franco Santoro
"The apocalypse is not something which is coming. The apocalypse has arrived in major portions of the planet and it's only because we live ......View
A different type of “Prophecy” (7796) (Global)
Date: Fri,14 Oct 2011
Submitter:Joseph Starman
Joseph is here again with a different type of “Prophecy” for it tells a little of how mankind came to be on this planet and it is not the w......View
Simulating Worlds Far Out (157842) (Global)
By:Orna Ben-Shoshan
Date: Sun,15 May 2011
Submitter:Orna Ben-Shoshan
Parallel Worlds – Has anyone seen them?
Parallel realities may be happening just a few millimeters away from us, but we cannot be aware ......View
Look forward - With hope! (6586) (Global)
By:Carolyn clayton
Date: Wed,24 Mar 2010
Somebody once said that we make our own luck, and that we are all masters of our own destinies. There is some truth in the saying, as we a......View
Cherokee Prophecies (13496) (Essex)
By:Lee Brown, Cherokee
Date: Thu,04 Jun 2009
Excerpts from a talk at the 1986 Continental Indigenous Council, Fair Banks Alaska.
By Lee Brown, Cherokee
There was a cycle of the mi......View
Message from the Future (7687) (Essex)
By:Shirley Humphreys Battie
Date: Fri,13 Mar 2009
Submitter:Shirley Humphreys Battie
Each individual act is important to the health of your world.
Planet Earth will survive. The human species will survive. During channell......View
The Final Hour - Maya Mysteries (8099) (Essex)
By:the Director
Date: Fri,17 Oct 2008
As I sit here and write, and despite knowing full well what the onset of Pluto in Capricorn would mean to our country and our world, I weep......View
2012 - The World Will Not End (7065) (Essex)
By:Carlos Barrios
Date: Fri,17 Oct 2008
CARLOS BARRIOS was born into a Spanish family on El Altiplano, the highlands of Guatemala. His home was in Huehuetenango, also the dwelling......View