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It has become clearer to me as I undergo the Ascension process on our beautiful Planet Earth, that as I evolve and grow (even on bad days when I'm feeling I'm a warty-frogwoman destined to stay in the swamps forever!) that perceptions, perspectives, beliefs and 'knowing' are all subject to the glorious change and movement dance that surrounds us infinitely.
If I could show people sometimes, on a Powerpoint Presentation, how I see the Universe and all the beings who share it, just how amazingly beautiful and complex and simple all at the same time, the energies are, it would blow you away...
Of one thing I am sure. We are energy. We are energy beings in whatever form we choose to take for whatever reason. We exist in an energy vibrational uni-multiverse, and the possibilities are not only vast, but limitless and infinite... one cannot imagine with the limitation of a finite mind, just how VAST it all is... and we don't half 'sweat the small stuff'...
We become enviegled in petty arguments about ownership, not only ownership of land, but of people, thought processes, material things, etc. etc.. and it's crazy because in the end nobody owns anything!
We see another holding an opinion that disagrees with us and we judge that person as being less than or inferior to us in some way. We see others holding opinions that have changed worlds, and we still argue because they don't fit in with our own limited perspectives...
It is clear to me that we all have choice. Some call it Free Will, but choice will do for me! And I exercise that choice daily. Sometimes I choose to interact with someone or something, and other days I don't. It's a wonderful feeling to know that whatever someone says, thinks or does, is OK BY ME! Because what and who they CHOOSE to be on any given day, does not affect my growth and expansion, only if I CHOOSE that it affects me.
I see people all the time in forums like our own dear forum here, falling out in lumps over some issue that is, in the end, irrelevant. Irrelevant because it hasn't solved anything. In the arguing about it, or disagreement of it, it has only served to SEPARATE.
Hidden within the word 'separate' is the word APART. Also the words, 'star apart'... if you look closer at the words, there is a hidden message. To have a 'star apart' is to have a disaster... DIS-ASTER... In other words, disassociated from the stars... that is what I call a hugely important hidden message.
Our beautiful Universe is encoded with a myriad of miracles, messages and signs if only we have the eyes to see them.
It is my observation, as an Ascending Soul on a Human Journey, to better myself and my personal world. This, in turn, must surely add to the pot of Betterment and Enlightenment of the Whole? If not, I'll go back home a happier person, knowing I unravelled a little of the mystery, and knowing that at least I tried to make things better for myself and my fellow co-habitees of the planet.
How I do that is up to me. It's my CHOICE.
We can stay and fight and have DIS-ASTER and disassociate ourselves from our own Bright Inner Star, or we can walk away and evolve!
Ultimately, every being on the planet and beyond is only responsible for themselves... as they say, Charity Begins At Home. And Home is where my Heart is. Right within Me!
That's all folks.. just wanted to get that out there... hope it helps someone sometime...
With much love, Jay xoxox
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