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Joanne Hull
Free Guide by Joanne Hull - The Pet Psychic
‘Help find Missing Pets’ Using the ‘Dolphin Effect’.
(This Guide is aimed at missing or lost, not stolen pets)
First of all you will be feeling absolutely devastated that your pet has gone missing.
There are some practical steps you need to take before we proceed with ‘The Dolphin Effect’ obviously, the quicker you respond, the better, so don’t waste time read through the top 10 do’s and get each job done as soon as possible, at the end of the guide there is a list of useful numbers that you may need.
OK, we now know you have to act fast, but try not to panic! Easier said than done I know, but staying calm is key.
Having a clear focus of what you need to do is the best course of action and it will be far more productive than running around all over the place like a headless chicken.
So below will be a list of the most Obvious
I know it sounds obvious, but please, just check your house fully, garden, sheds and any areas that your pet may be hiding, so that you are sure they have gone missing and not just hiding as so many do.
Now, if you are 100% they ARE missing or lost then I suggest these steps...
1. Firstly if your pet is micro-chipped, Contact your microchip company and inform them your pet has gone missing.
Confirm that all your contact details are fully up to date this is so very important, we often move house and completely forget to update the system.
2. If your pet is insured, contact your insurance company as they may provide financial assistance and advice on advertising to help with your pet’s return. But let them know your pet is currently missing.
3. Call all local veterinary practices and all animal rescue centres within your area with a description of your pet, and perhaps visit them with a flyer including a recent photo. Again micro-chipping means that if they happen to receive your pet by either the local council or member of the public, they can instantly contact you.
4. Call your local police station, Sometimes missing pets may get involved with road accidents, members of the public may hand your pet into the police station, or maybe they will also just notify them that the animal in question has now been taken to a rescue centre, so always worth leaving your details just to be on the safe side.
5. Notify immediate neighbours, Ask permission to look in their garages, sheds and gardens. If they have windows that face your home, they can keep a look out for you.
6. Canvas the neighbourhood, Ask children, friends and neighbours to help, moving from door to door with your pet’s description, preferably a photo and your telephone number. Relevant information about your pet Including the name and physical description. Your name, telephone number and

Joanne Hull
email address. Include a photograph.
Post and distribute flyers wherever your pet was last seen, as well as throughout your home neighbourhood and to any welfare services you contact.
7. Put the flyer in your local newsagent, village notice board, garage forecourt or post office.
8. Contact as many missing pet sites as possible, there are lots available on the internet. You'd be amazed at how quickly their followers and helpers will spread the word.
9. Use FACEBOOK, YOU TUBE & TWITTER social media can be one of the fastest ways to get your pets information out there.
10. Take advantage of the lost and found ads in your local newspaper.
Place a 'lost pet' ad as soon as possible, and be sure to check the column daily for any that have been found.
Now you have gone through the 10 top tips, This FREE guide will help you visualise your pet home.
We have had so many successes, so it’s well worth a try!
And if it works for you, please do drop Joanne an email so she can include your story on her website, something that may help others in their time of need.
[email protected] The Dolphin Effect® is a style of working where we take the ways of the wild dolphins for inspiration, they calm, give out positive energy, they don’t judge, love unconditionally and offer help no matter what or who it’s for. So we use their process to find our inner calm and focus.
So, let’s change your negative mindset to positive, its all to easy to feel negative when a pet goes missing, so let’s turn this around for you, this is not only for you, but, everyone in the family that lives with the missing animal will have to follow my advice otherwise it may not work.
I need you and everyone concerned to change the way you are thinking about the pet, (easier said than done I know, but trust me on this) Start thinking in your heart that the pet is already home, eating his or her food, walking around the house, visualise and feel in your heart that they are home, well and happy, do this over and over, this will change the universal vibration and they will be drawn back to you.
If you continue to focus on your pet being lost, you will attract your pet staying lost. So take control of your thoughts....imagine them in the house where they belong, safe and sound! Keep trying this, it truly works. Attract them home, the universe will find a way to get them back to you. I hope this helps you gain focus, get everyone to concentrate on this and not on the ‘missing’ part. Visualisation is a truly valuable tool.
Best of Luck
Joanne Hull
The UK's Leading most trusted Pet Psychic. Courses, Readings, CD's, Workshops, latest news and competitions.
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