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Magnesio Axinite
Magnesio Axinite
From the Merelani Hills in Tanzania, twin colouring of orangey brown with violet edges, making it a very interesting piece. It is fluorescent long and shortwave UV light.
Axinite is a crystal which gets its name from the term 'acine' which in Greek, means axe. Axinite was discovered by R.J.Hauy in 1797. Sometimes one mistakes Axinite for Quartz.
Axinite are heavy-duty grounding stones, bringing up energy from the earth chakra into the body. This energy increases your vigour and endurance.
Axinite are helpful to heal your body, both physically and spiritually and their healing properties

Magnesio Axinite
are useful to help problems of the feet in particular.
Axinite will increase your understanding of the spiritual realms and they help you to remember your involvements there on your homecoming.
In addition to this Axinite crystals are first-rate stones for meditation as they help you to release thoughts that are impeding your evolution.
Axinite crystals also come in other colours for example, blue, black, colourless and yellow.
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