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18 July 2016
We send you love and we send you light. This we can do for all on your planet Gaia.
What we cannot do, as Angels, is interfere. There is just one time that we can interfere and that is occasionally to save a life, but only if someone has promised to serve the light in some way in their future.
We can help if asked, but most humans do not ask. They think we are too much above them to help. But our whole reason to be, is to help those that ask. Please ask us for help. There are so many of us, who do not have enough to do, because humans do not ask for help.
And even when they do, they don't listen for the answer. Humans have brains which they like to keep constantly in use. When a human's brain is busy, it can't hear us giving answers to their questions. You need to be quiet and listen.
Answers can be given is so many ways. It may be gut instinct, a knowing that you should or shouldn't do something. It might be a feather dropping in front of you, but it could be a message from a song on the radio or it could be a sentence you hear as you pass two people in conversation.
Listen for answers. Trust your instinct, we work with your instinct. Allow yourself to receive our answers. It could be just a feeling of love surrounding you. We love to help and give you the answers you seek.
So trust that we answer and that we can help when you ask. But first you must ask. We constantly love you and so it is.
The Angels.
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