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I am Mary, the servant of The Most High
Mary, speaking through Joan, 31st May, 2016
God bless you. Sister Julia, Sister Gabrielle. We have come with such love today and we realise why, of course. We stand back now.
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Oh, beloved Children of the World, I come with peace and with love. I am Mary, of course. I embrace each one of you and would say to all of you, peace, my children, peace. Let the peace be absorbed into your very being to lift you and to help you. Love is so beautiful when you can see the glory that it brings to you and it is this love that I send not only from myself but from all the wonderful workers in Spirit who are around the world at the moment giving cheer, lifting minds and hearts.
What I want to say, my beloved children, is for you to seek within. We have said before that it is from within yourself that you find the answers that you seek to your questions. Travel within yourself and as you do so regularly you will find your answers, as we have said so many times before, but I say it to you – I am Mary and because I am Mary I have been blessed with the vibrations of the higher love, which I bring to all of you.
Be still and let the waters of the mind trickle through you and sweep away the tensions of the earth. Let the beams of the sun within you shine upon you and as we lift you higher into the different realms of Spirit, you will find that you are indeed in a beautiful, colourful place of love. When you reach that love within you, and it is within you, you will find that you are led then upward to the golden temple of the higher self. When you reach the higher self and the temple that is within, there is a glory that comes to the very soul. All your problems you are able to meet effortlessly because you have the power of love and the power that is within you to heal your physical body. Children of the Light, I am asking today that you make special efforts to do this because you cannot go outward – there is nothing on the earth that can help you as all there is money and materialism. You have to go inward and you can, you know. Once you sit quietly, just see in your mind the flowing waters of a river that you sit beside. As you sit beside this flowing river, toss into its waters your problems, the things that worry you, the things you have to cope with. Throw all these things into the river of life and love. Do this regularly, throwing away the negative conditions that you build up within yourselves, throwing them into the river as you stand watching as it so gently flows. There is a light in the river. As this light becomes stronger and stronger, you are drawn towards it. As you are drawn towards the Light, you are drawing it into yourself. These are only images that I am giving you to help you to sit quietly. As you sit quietly, your helpers around you are able to lift you higher. As you sit regularly, the higher you will be lifted again and again until the day comes when you can sit and go up, up into the golden temple of the higher self. It is waiting, patiently, for you to recognize your spiritual self. In general, the peoples of the world today do not know their spiritual selves but many do. So many of you are Lights and know how to reach the higher self. So, recognize the spirit within you because it is the spirit that commands. It is the spirit that will help you, lift you, strengthen you, heal you, the Divine Spirit within you. Children, listen to my words.
I bring peace to you, tranquility, and it because of that and my love for all of you…. We can see the struggles that go on within you, of course we do and as we can sense it, feel it, we are drawn towards you to give you that extra help but you see, as we have said before, you yourselves must make that effort. Think to yourself that you are Spirit, that you are Divine, that you belong to The Great, Great Energy, that Great Energy that created you, created you and all the things you see, the trees, the earth, the grass, all things were created by The Great God of All, The Golden King of All, The Energy. I am giving you today spiritual truths, my beloveds. I am giving you the truth of Spirit. Listen to me. Listen to me. I bring peace to your soul. I bring so much peace to the soul and as the soul is at peace, all things are possible because you remember who you are. You are Divine and you are a Spirit that is tuned in to The Almighty. Oh Spirit, we are Spirit, you are Spirit. Remember. Draw away from the world. Draw away from the god of money. Of course, you have to have enough to live on, we realise that, but do not make a god of it. Take what you need and what you want but do not be greedy. Love one another. Help one another. That is love. That is love. But remember always that you are Spirit. You are love Divine and today I bring this to you. May God bless each one of you and may the flowers that I bring go out into the world for their sweetness and perfume to uplift your souls. So I say with the vibration of Jesus that I uphold you, lift you, love you. God bless you. God bless all of you. I am Mary, the servant of The Most High.
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Well, Gabrielle and I…. what can we say…. only to listen to the words. Try to practice them and to remember who you are. You are not ‘body’, you simply live within it but you are Spirit Divine. God bless you from both of us today. Wonderful vibrations have gone out to the world and to The Sanctuary. God bless you.
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