At Constantine statue in York
Travel along Spine of Europe: Clearing European Continental Chakras of Constantine's and Other Warrior Energies
On our first full day in Europe, we faced one of our longest drives - about 420 miles from London to York and back (see the map - right). On the "wrong" side of the road. :-) But we figured on that in advance. What we did not expect was a scorching heat wave. By the time we made it to York, five hours after leaving London, the mercury had climbed to 30C (86F). Later, we found out this was the hottest Oct 1 on record in England. Ever. Which meant that millions of sun-hungry Britons clogged up the roads and motorways. And two "Yanks" from Hawaii among them. :-)
"Is York always so crowded," I asked a local merchant after the ceremony. "It feels like half of England is here."
"Almost," he replied. "It is a tourist town. But today is worse because the weather is so nice."
Well, undaunted, we proceeded to find the one parking spot left in the downtown car park. We then went on foot to the Minster, an ancient cathedral next to which I knew I would find a Constantine monument. It was erected there because that was the spot where he was named emperor after his father's death in 306AD. This is where we did our first ceremony. Pay special attention to what happens at the end, when a priest approaches me...